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Play Game Hangman Online


Welcome to Hangman! This is a classic word-guessing game where you try to figure out a hidden word by suggesting letters. Each wrong guess brings you closer to losing the game, as a stick figure is drawn piece by piece on a gallows. The goal is to guess the word before the hangman is fully drawn and “hanged.” It’s a fun mix of strategy, vocabulary, and a little bit of luck!

How to play


  • Suggest a letter (e.g., “A”).
  • If the letter is in the word, I’ll fill in all the spots where it appears. For example, if the word is “CAT” and you guess “A,” you’ll see _ A _.
  • If the letter isn’t in the word, I’ll add a part to the hangman figure and tell you how many guesses you have left.

The Hangman Figure

The figure builds with each wrong guess in this order:

  • Head
  • Body
  • Left Arm
  • Right Arm
  • Left Leg
  • Right Leg

After 6 wrong guesses, the hangman is complete, and the game is over.

Winning or Losing

  • You win if you guess the word before the hangman is fully drawn (e.g., filling in _ _ _ to “CAT”).
  • You lose if the hangman is completed (6 wrong guesses) before you guess the word.


  • Start with common letters like “E,” “A,” “R,” “T,” or “S.”
  • You can guess the whole word at any time, but if you’re wrong, it counts as a wrong guess!


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