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Introduction is a strategic conquest game that revolves around capturing territories and defeating opponents in a minimalist, abstract world map. Players control armies represented by dots and aim to expand their influence by attacking and conquering neighboring territories. The game requires strategic planning, quick decision-making, and tactical movements to outsmart opponents and dominate the map.

How to play

  • Choose Your Territory: At the start of the game, select your initial territory, usually marked with your color.
  • Expand Your Influence: Drag your dots to neighboring territories to attack and capture them. Your dots will automatically move and start the invasion process.
  • Defend Your Territories: Protect your occupied areas from enemy attacks by reinforcing them with additional dots.
  • Generate More Units: The more territories you control, the faster you generate units. Use this advantage to strengthen your position.
  • Conquer Opponents: Target weaker opponents and strategically capture their territories to expand your dominance.
  • Win the Game: The ultimate goal is to conquer all the territories on the map and eliminate all opponents.

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